The official opening of a new store

The official opening of a new store

Exciting News: The 3rd and 4th Branches of Urban Brand Are Now Open!We are thrilled to announce the opening of two new branch stores in the eastern region of Ulaanbaatar, designed with our customers in mind. Our full-conceived clothing store caters to the unique needs...


“Urban Business Group LLC,” a National Brand Developer, has moved into its new headquarters. The company, which started 14 years ago in 2009 with a goal to replace imports by producing and selling denim clothing locally, began its journey in a basement...


WHITE MOON #FRAME_COLLECTION HERITAGE LIGHTS – URBAN HEIGHTS #FRAME_2024_LUNAR_NEW_YEAR_”HERITAGE” COLLECTION #TRADITION_CULTURE_FUTURE The Urban brand presents its collection celebrating the Lunar New Year, showcasing past, present, and future cultural...
Urban-4 bond was successfully raised

Urban-4 bond was successfully raised

To ensure business growth and increase competitiveness after the economic crisis caused by the three-year-long COVID-19 pandemic, we have successfully raised funds through a private placement of the “Urban 4” bond in the capital market. Urban Business...
“NEXT LEADER” – 2022: Urban Brand Selected from 1500 Companies

“NEXT LEADER” – 2022: Urban Brand Selected from 1500 Companies

Цар тахал, олон улсын хямралын улмаас бизнесийн орчинд тулгамдаж буй асуудалд цаашид гарц хайхаар бизнес эрхлэгчид чуулав. Эл салбарт сүүлийн 20 гаруй жилийн түүхийг бүтээж яваа топ компаниудын төлөөлөл болсон CЕО нар “Бизнесийн процессоо хурдасгах нь”, “Менежментийн...
Urban Business Group Enters the Third Phase of Its Development

Urban Business Group Enters the Third Phase of Its Development

Анхлан эх орондоо олны хэлж заншсан жийнсэн хувцас буюу деним хувцасны үйлдвэрлэлийн технологийг нутагшуулах зорилгоор 2009 онд Денимон ХХК нэртэйгээр үүсгэн байгууллагдаж, УРБАН ЖИЙНС брэндийг зах зээлд байршуулахаар 3 хүний бүрэлдэхүүнтэй ажиллаж эхэлсэн бол өдгөө...